Methods of prevention of providing patients in schools with arterial hypertension
The authors of the article studied the effectiveness of teaching preventive methods of treatment of patients with arterial hypertension at polyclinic schools for arterial hypertension. It was noted that the patients who participated in the school of arterial hypertension mastered the practical skills of measuring blood pressure and keeping a diary of blood pressure control, identifying cardiovascular risk. Patients' interest in the prevention of diseases and risk factors has increased, and the tendency to follow recommendations has increased. According to the results of the assessment, most of those who attended the school for patients with arterial hypertension received sufficient information about their pathology, risk factors, preventive measures, healthy lifestyle formation, treatment of arterial hypertension, emergency care for hypertension.
About the Authors
Ye. Zh. MakhanbetchinKazakhstan
Yeldos Zhanzakovich Makhanbetchin – a doctoral studen
Almaty city
A. N. Nurbakyt
Almaty city
S. R. Miraliyev
Dushanbe city
Sh. D. Dzhaketayeva
Almaty city
A. M. Sergaliyev
Karaganda city
A. M. Yesembekova
Astana city
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For citations:
Makhanbetchin Ye.Zh., Nurbakyt A.N., Miraliyev S.R., Dzhaketayeva Sh.D., Sergaliyev A.M., Yesembekova A.M. Methods of prevention of providing patients in schools with arterial hypertension. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(3):44-47. (In Kazakh)