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Traumatization by information (clinician's view)


Currently, the most common mental disorders are psychogenias. They account for more than half of the requests for counseling psychotherapeutic and psychiatric help. In recent years, in his daily life, a person increasingly relies in his judgments on the picture of the world that develops under the influence of mass media (mass media) and Internet content. The content of the information presented does not always correspond to reality and can negatively affect the mental well-being of the most vulnerable part of society. The dangerous effects of informational influences manifest themselves at various levels and can cause the development of psychogenic disorders, as well as lead to an exacerbation of existing symptoms. Various kinds of information interventions can reduce or increase the traumatic effect on the psyche. The proposed article presents clinical examples based on the combined experience of psychotherapeutic practice in a private center in Karaganda and the work of the psychiatric (psychotherapeutic) service in Karaganda. St. Petersburg, which clearly demonstrate the connection of mental disorders with information exposure, regardless of the source of information.

About the Authors

G. A. Prokopovich
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Northwestern State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; St. Petersburg State Public Health Institution «City Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 named after I. I. Skvortsov-Stepanov»
Russian Federation

Galina Anatoliyevna Prokopovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology

St. Petersburg city

N. D. Sedova
Children's consultative and diagnostic center of MF Hippocrates LLP

Karaganda city

T. V. Somova
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Northwestern State Medical University named after I. I. Mechnikov» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Russian Federation

St. Petersburg city


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For citations:

Prokopovich G.A., Sedova N.D., Somova T.V. Traumatization by information (clinician's view). Medicine and ecology. 2023;(3):24-33. (In Russ.)

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