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Use of sodium thiopental and propofol for intravenous sedation and treatment of delirium in early postoperative period in surgical patient


In emergency surgery with volumetric surgical interventions, there are a number of indications for the continuation of intravenous sedation and artificial lung ventilation (ventilator) in the intensive care unit. Often, this need is due to both the magnitude of the surgical catastrophe and the severe concomitant comorbid back14 ground, high risk of early postoperative complications. There is also the development of delirium of various etiologies in the early postoperative period, which also affects the course of the postoperative process, the duration of stay in the intensive care unit.

In connection with the above, on the basis of the Intensive care unit of the Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 1 a comparative characteristic of the effectiveness of the use of sodium thiopental and propofol for intravenous sedation and treatment of delirium in surgical patients was carried out in Karaganda. 

About the Authors

D. V. Vasiliyev
Non-profit Joint Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Karaganda city

V. V. Sobyanina
Municipal State Enterprise «Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 1» of Health Department of Karaganda region

Karaganda city

N. A. Dubovoy
Municipal State Enterprise «Multidisciplinary Hospital No. 1» of Health Department of Karaganda region

Karaganda city

A. N. Kakenov
Non-profit Joint Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Askar Nurlanovich Kakenov – a resident of anesthesiology resuscitation specialty 

Karaganda city

S. I. Tsay
Non-profit Joint Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Karaganda city


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For citations:

Vasiliyev D.V., Sobyanina V.V., Dubovoy N.A., Kakenov A.N., Tsay S.I. Use of sodium thiopental and propofol for intravenous sedation and treatment of delirium in early postoperative period in surgical patient. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(3):12-15. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
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