International experience of distance medical education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
The article analyzes the traditional face-to-face and distance learning formats. The unfavorable epidemiological situation since March 2020 required an immediate change in the format of education.The comparison of full-time and distance learning, which highlights the positive and negative sides of both types.The problematic aspects of distance education are highlighted. The international experience of urgent transition to online education is described. The experience of transition to a new format of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed.
About the Authors
G. S. ToksambayevKazakhstan
L. A. Pak
N. A. Kabildina
A. T. Bekisheva
Ya. L. Poluektova
Ye. V. Kruk
A. M. Zhumakayeva
M. Maratkyzy
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For citations:
Toksambayev G.S., Pak L.A., Kabildina N.A., Bekisheva A.T., Poluektova Ya.L., Kruk Ye.V., Zhumakayeva A.M., Maratkyzy M. International experience of distance medical education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(2):53-59. (In Russ.)