Clinical features and evaluation of modified proteins in bronchial asthma of various severity
The article presents the results of a study of 62 patients with bronchial asthma (ВА), which were divided into 2 groups: the first group included patients (n = 34) with moderate severity of asthma, the second group included patients (n = 28) with severe asthma. The worsening of the course of bronchial asthma in the examined patients is due to the duration of the disease, the presence of harmful risk factors, among which adverse living conditions with the development of sensitization to them are of the greatest importance. In severe bronchial asthma, an uncontrolled course of the disease prevails with a 1.8-fold decrease in asthma-control test values (p<0.05). With an increase in the severity of the inflammatory process in the airways, the level of AOРP in the blood plasma increases. In patients with bronchial asthma, the following features of oxidative metabolism were established: in the blood plasma and erythrocytes of patients with bronchial asthma of varying severity, a tendency to an increase in reactive carbonyl derivatives of proteins, malondialdehyde, AOPP compared with the control was observed, which indicates an increase in oxidative metabolism with the development of pathology.
About the Authors
L. S. MadiyevaKazakhstan
S. B. Mamashaliyeva
A. M. Rakhmetova
R. Ye. Bakirova
S. D. Nursultanova
B. D. Ashirbekova
V. V. Lee
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For citations:
Madiyeva L.S., Mamashaliyeva S.B., Rakhmetova A.M., Bakirova R.Ye., Nursultanova S.D., Ashirbekova B.D., Lee V.V. Clinical features and evaluation of modified proteins in bronchial asthma of various severity. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(1):27-31. (In Kazakh)