Environmental improvement of the population of Kazakhstan immunoprophylaxis COVID-19
The work is devoted to the current problem of research and assessment of the attitude of the population to the need for vaccination against COVID-19. For this purpose, a sociological survey was conducted on the topic "Vaccine against COVID-19: for and against." The survey method surveyed 519 people of different age groups and social groups. The results of the analysis of the questionnaire showed that only 32.2% of respondents believe that vaccination is the main way to prevent infection, while almost half (48.2%) do not trust vaccines. More than 50% of the requested are experiencing deficiencies in persuasive and reliable information in relation to different sides of vaccine prophylaxis.
About the Authors
G. Zh. BaigutanovaKazakhstan
N. T. Zhaketayeva
Nurzhamal Taukenovna Zhaketayeva – Chief Specialist of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the district named after Kazybek Bi of Karaganda
M. G. Kalishev
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For citations:
Baigutanova G.Zh., Zhaketayeva N.T., Kalishev M.G. Environmental improvement of the population of Kazakhstan immunoprophylaxis COVID-19. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(3):29-32. (In Russ.)