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Methods of radiation diagnostics for new coronavirus infection COVID-19


The article analyzes the literature on the diagnosis of lung changes in coronavirus infection (CVI) COVID-19 by methods of radiation diagnostics. The incidence of coronavirus around the world in the period from 2019 to 2021 was registered over 250 million people, there is an upward trend. In Kazakhstan, the identified cases of 980860 and more than 12887 deaths as a result of coronavirus [9]. The World Health Organization assigned the status of a pandemic to the COVID-19 coronavirus infection on March 11, 2020 [46]. To verify the diagnosis of COVID-19 coronavirus infection, laboratory methods for detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA are mainly used. The widespread use of methods of radiation diagnostics plain radiography and computed tomography is facilitated by its leading manifestation - damage to the lung tissue. International statistical indicators reflect the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus infection, namely, its scale, a pandemic, on the structure of diagnostic studies, namely the predominance of radiation diagnostics methods. The use of this or that method lies in the experience of different regions, which differ greatly depending on social norms and the instructions of the health authorities. CT is a priority in countries by the widespread use of isolation / hospitalization of all infected patients in circumstances where the reliability and availability of testing for COVID- 19 is limited and the lead time is long (for example, Russia, China). According to 50 radiology departments from 33 countries, visualization of changes in the lungs with suspected COVID-19 infection is 89%, with confirmed COVID-19 it is 94%, with severe symptoms 100%, with critical conditions 100% [46]. In addition, this type of study allows you to detect signs of viral damage to the lung tissue both with positive and negative PCR results, in asymptomatic patients, to carry out differential diagnostics with other diseases, to assess the severity of the lesion and prognostic ally unfavorable signs of development, the effectiveness of therapy, and the presence of complications.

About the Authors

M. T. Aliyakparov
Karaganda medical university


A. A. Turmukhambetova
Karaganda medical university


I. E. Kaneyev
Karaganda medical university

Ilya Emilevich Kaneev – Doctor of radiation diagnostics of the clinic, assistant of the department of oncology and radiation diagnostics of the clinic



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For citations:

Aliyakparov M.T., Turmukhambetova A.A., Kaneyev I.E. Methods of radiation diagnostics for new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(4):5-15. (In Russ.)

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