А clinical case of renal abscess in type 1 diabetes mellitus with acute kidney damage
This article discusses a clinical case of a difficult diagnosis of renal abscess in type 1 diabetes mellitus with acute kidney injury. Difficulties in diagnosis were due to the absence of typical echographic signs of an abscess, the presence of acute kidney injury, which limited computer diagnostics with contrasting, a decrease in clinical and laboratory indicators of the inflammatory process activity in the kidney against the background of antibiotic therapy, which delayed a quick diagnosis.
The development of acute kidney damage was facilitated by the deterioration of the glomerular apparatus function of kidney, due to the presence of a purulent focus in the parenchyma, diabetic nephropathy, and a sharp decompensation of diabetes mellitus with an increase in sensitivity of renal parenchyma to damaging factors. The conclusion was made about the need for a thorough examination of patients with diabetes mellitus with urinary tract infection and an active search for a suppurative process in the kidney in the presence of prolonged subfebrile condition.
About the Authors
L. Y. AlimkhanovaKazakhstan
department of internal diseases
N. A. Nezdaiminova
department of internal diseases
A. V. Yankovskaya
department of internal diseases
D. T. Amirkhanova
department of internal diseases
Z. M. Tutkushbayeva
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For citations:
Alimkhanova L.Y., Nezdaiminova N.A., Yankovskaya A.V., Amirkhanova D.T., Tutkushbayeva Z.M. А clinical case of renal abscess in type 1 diabetes mellitus with acute kidney damage. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(1):87-94. (In Russ.)