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He aim of the investigation was to improve the method of transosseous spinal osteosynthesis with transverse patellar fractures and its clinical approbation. Materials and methods: The study included 48 patients with patellar fractures, aged 18-77 years. All patients were divided into 2 groups: basic and comparisons - for 24 patients. In the main group, the treatment was carried out using an improved method of transosseous osteosynthesis. The patients of the comparison group underwent surgical treatment (submerged osteosynthesis) by the open method. The frequency and structure of complications, duration of inpatient and out-patient treatment, clinical and functional outcomes were subjected to a comparative evaluation. Results of the study: The overall complication rate in the main group was 12.5%, in the comparison group - 41.7% (p=0.040). Differences in duration of outpatient treatment were 2 times, inpatient treatment - 71.4% in favor of the main group (p <0.001). In the main group, only good results entered the structure - 79.2% and satisfactory - 20.8%. In the comparison group, good results were observed in 58.3% of cases, satisfactory - 33.3% and unsatisfactory ones were obtained at 8.3% (p>0,05). Conclusion: The use of the transosseous osteosynthesis technique for patella fractures in comparison with open submerged osteosynthesis methods provides a decrease in the overall incidence of complications, a significant reduction in the overall duration of treatment of patients is achieved in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The functional results of treatment for transosseous osteosynthesis by our method are better than in open operations, although the differences were insignificant.

About the Authors

A. A. Dyusupov
Semey state medical university

S. A. Dzhumabekov
Kyrgyz state medical academy

Ye. M. Manarbekov
Semey state medical university

T. M. Manarbekova
Semey state medical university


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For citations:

Dyusupov A.A., Dzhumabekov S.A., Manarbekov Ye.M., Manarbekova T.M. COMPARATIVE ANAL YSIS OF THE RESULTS OF TREATMENT OF PATELLA FRACTURES BY METHODS. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(2):63-67. (In Russ.)

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