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Experience of using electronic resources for teaching university students


Introduction. E-learning is an integral part of the educational process, since by its nature it is very dynamic and rich in advanced possibilities for optimizing the educational process.
The purpose of this study was to study students’ satisfaction with electronic educational resources and the intensity of their use.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted at the Department of Pathology of the Non-profit Joint-Stock Company “Medical University of Karaganda” by anonymous questionnaire. 52 people participated in the survey, 3rd year students of the specialty “General Medicine”.
Results and discussion. The study showed that students are aware of the available electronic resources of the university, actively use them, technical problems of access to electronic resources have a small number of respondents.
The satisfaction of the majority of students with interactive methods and learning tools, their understanding of the role of these methods, and a positive attitude to communication services were also determined. For the most part, students positively evaluate the interactive 3D Pathology program with some rejection of the automatic assessment system and technical shortcomings of the software; there is also an increase in interest in the discipline being taught when introducing this program into the educational process, when assessing the shortcomings of using electronic resources and training systems (especially in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic with forced on-line training), almost all respondents note the need and importance of direct personal contact and meetings with the teacher for a better understanding of the material being studied and the formation of communicative skills.
Conclusions. Thus, the results of the study show that students are mostly satisfied with interactive methods and electronic learning tools, understand the role of these methods in learning, and have a positive attitude to communication services.

About the Authors

O. A. Kostyleva
Karaganda Medical University


L. M. Stabayeva
Karaganda Medical University


I. Muhammad
Karaganda Medical University


D. L. Kosicyn
Karaganda Medical University


E. A. Kosicyn
Karaganda Medical University



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For citations:

Kostyleva O.A., Stabayeva L.M., Muhammad I., Kosicyn D.L., Kosicyn E.A. Experience of using electronic resources for teaching university students. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(1):73-77. (In Russ.)

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