Modern aspects of training of nurses of the institute of forensic examinations
The article discusses the reasons for the dismissal of nurses of the Institute of Forensic Expertise, a study was carried out to identify the factors of influence contributing to high staff turnover, the role of a nurse in the forensic medical service, taking into account the specific working conditions, is outlined. The modern aspects of the training of nurses of the Institute of Forensic Expertise have been studied. A proposal was made to create a program for the training of nurses and recommendations were given taking into account the specifics of the work.
About the Authors
A. S. LimKazakhstan
School of Nursing Education
Zh. A. Kalbekov
School of Nursing Education
V. Yu. Yablonskaya
School of Nursing Education
T. T. Kispaeva
School of Nursing Education
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For citations:
Lim A.S., Kalbekov Zh.A., Yablonskaya V.Yu., Kispaeva T.T. Modern aspects of training of nurses of the institute of forensic examinations. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(1):61-65. (In Russ.)