Computer modeling of an automated injector for drug delivery during intoxication with organophosphorus compounds
The purpose of the thesis: To develop a computer model of an automated drug delivery injector for intoxication with organophosphorus compounds.
Research methods:
1. Analysis of literature sources on the effect of organophosphorus compounds on the human body.
2. Comparison of computer programs for the development of an injector model.
3. Computer simulation of the drug delivery injector and its mechanism of action.
4. Forecasting the cost of the developed injector.
1. A literary review of the action of organophosphorus compounds and an analysis of the available concepts of the injector are carried out.
2. To solve the task, the 3Ds MAX computer program has proven itself positively.
3. A computer model and mechanism of operation of an automated drug delivery injector for intoxication with organophosphorus compounds have been developed.
4. Economic calculations of the cost of manufacturing the developed injector have been carried out.
Conclusion: the developed model of an automated injector will allow medical workers to administer drugs in a timely manner to prevent further development of the patient’s pathological condition.
Findings: the creation of an operating model of an automated injector based on the developed computer model implies the need to find a source of its financing.
About the Authors
G. K. MambeterzinaKazakhstan
School of Pharmacy
D. D. Omargaly
School of Pharmacy
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For citations:
Mambeterzina G.K., Omargaly D.D. Computer modeling of an automated injector for drug delivery during intoxication with organophosphorus compounds. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(1):48-56. (In Russ.)