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Epidemiological features of lung cancer in Karaganda region


The article studied the features of the course of lung cancer in patients who were hospitalized for the period 2011- 2021. It has been established that men are affected by lung cancer 3.5 times more often than women, people over 50 living in the city are more sick. Peripheral stage III cancer is more common among patients, which is detected by fluorography, 51% of metastases are observed in the middle lymph nodes, the main risk factors were smoking and chronic diseases of the respiratory system 44.88% and 33.31%, respectively. Chronic respiratory diseases were the most commonly reported chronic acute respiratory viral infections and chronic bronchitis in 11.22% and 10.24% respectively. The main types of treatment for patients were chemotherapy (48%) and surgery (43%). The minimum number of patients’ stay in the hospital was 1 bed-days, the maximum number was 51 days. On average, patients were hospitalized for 7-9 days.

About the Authors

F. M. Shayzadina
Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”

N. O. Alysheva
Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”

G. T. Abuova
Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”

Z. M. Zhankalova
S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University

A. A. Shaizadina
MSE «Karaganda Polyclinic No.4»

M. M. Beisekova
Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”

S. T. Mendibay
Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”

A. M. Kamarova
Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”


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For citations:

Shayzadina F.M., Alysheva N.O., Abuova G.T., Zhankalova Z.M., Shaizadina A.A., Beisekova M.M., Mendibay S.T., Kamarova A.M. Epidemiological features of lung cancer in Karaganda region. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(1):34-38. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)