Influence of socio-economic factors on life expectancy
The article presents the results of a study to assess the impact of socio-economic factors on life expectancy. Demographic and socio-economic indicators were considered as determinants: fertility, mortality, infant mortality, natural increase, provision of hospitals and hospital beds, employment, average monthly salary and GDP per capita. The study is based on statistical data for the period from 2011 to 2019. Analysis of our work shows that in order to increase life expectancy, it is necessary to further improve the healthcare system, develop state policies aimed at improving the health of the population.
About the Authors
A. D. KharinKazakhstan
B. K. Koichubekov
1. Statisticheskij sbornik zdorove naseleniya respubliki Kazakhstan i deyatelnosti organizacij zdravookhraneniya v 2018 godu mz rk
2. Byuro nacionalnoj statistiki agentstva po strategicheskomu planirovaniyu i reformam respubliki kazakhstan
For citations:
Kharin A.D., Koichubekov B.K. Influence of socio-economic factors on life expectancy. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(1):17-20. (In Russ.)