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Clinical case of unsmooth chickenpox with layering bacterial flora in a child on background of deficient conditions


The article presents a clinical case of a non-smooth course of chicken pox in a 1.9-year-old child with a deposit of bacterial flora and the development of destructive pneumonia, infectious-toxic shock, DIC syndrome, sepsis, identification of factors predisposing to the development of bacterial complications and tactics of successful therapy with recovery.
In children with chickenpox, the persistence of high fever after the rash has ceased is the most significant symptom of a bacterial infection.
Factors predisposing to the development of bacterial complications in this child were deficient conditions: proteinenergy malnutrition (PEM) and severe anemia.

About the Authors

R. Kh. Begaydarova
Medical Univerity of Karaganda

Department of infections Diseases and Phthisiology


M. B. Sadibekova
Regional Clinical Hospital Karaganda

Infectious Diseases Center


A. D. Satibаldieva
Regional Clinical Hospital Karaganda

Infectious Diseases Center


A. T. Baltabaev
Regional Clinical Hospital Karaganda

Infectious Diseases Center


G. E. Nasakaeva
Medical Univerity of Karaganda

Department of infections Diseases and Phthisiology


G. M. Omarova
Medical Univerity of Karaganda

Department of infections Diseases and Phthisiology


O. A. Zolotareva
Medical Univerity of Karaganda

Department of infections Diseases and Phthisiology


Kh. D. Talibekova
Regional Clinical Hospital Karaganda

Infectious Diseases Center



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For citations:

Begaydarova R.Kh., Sadibekova M.B., Satibаldieva A.D., Baltabaev A.T., Nasakaeva G.E., Omarova G.M., Zolotareva O.A., Talibekova Kh.D. Clinical case of unsmooth chickenpox with layering bacterial flora in a child on background of deficient conditions. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):98-103. (In Russ.)

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