Methodology of teaching «fundamentals of entrepreneurship» at a medical university
Fundamentals of entrepreneurship is a dynamically developing field. In this sense, the dynamics of this phenomenon is a suitable field of study and provides fruitful ideas for both theory and practice. The last decade has witnessed a powerful development of entrepreneurship research around the world. It seems to be widely recognized that entrepreneurship is the engine of the economy and society of most countries. This study includes a review of the literature on medical education and, in particular, on methods of teaching the basics of entrepreneurship at a medical university, as well as on methods of teaching the basics of entrepreneurship. Finally, the article was concluded with a discussion of the results and future research.
The study also presents methodological support for academic disciplines, the study of which will contribute to the maximum formation of practical skills and abilities of students in the organization of entrepreneurial activities in healthcare. It includes two interrelated stages: the study of the organizational and legal foundations of the entrepreneurial activity of medical organizations and the development of a business plan for the introduction and promotion of paid medical services.
About the Authors
B. B. RysbekovaKazakhstan
Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD
G. B. Alipbekova
Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD
B. S. Bitenova
Department of History of Kazakhstan and SPD
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For citations:
Rysbekova B.B., Alipbekova G.B., Bitenova B.S. Methodology of teaching «fundamentals of entrepreneurship» at a medical university. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):82-94. (In Russ.)