Features of distance learning as a tool for optimising and individualising education at a medical university
Aspects of distance learning of students enrolled in the educational program “Nursing” at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine at the NCJsc “Medical University of Karaganda” in the discipline “Fundamentals of Pharmacology” are considered.
The use of distance learning in medical universities remains debateable, as medical education has its own peculiarities related to the relationship between teacher-student, doctor-patient. But even in such cases, this training format demonstrates its flexibility. Distance learning gives each student unlimited opportunities for self-education, develops discipline, helps to gain the necessary knowledge regardless of location or employment. Distance learning was particularly important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The authors present an analysis of the use of forms of distance learning, their advantages and disadvantages. The article specifies the existing difficulties in using distance learning technologies faced by teachers in the communicative, educational, motivational, organisational and technical process. In addition, the possibilities and experience of using distance learning for full-time students on the Moodle educational platform are revealed and substantiated.
About the Authors
S. K. ZhaugashevaKazakhstan
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
L. I. Piven
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
T. V. Kim
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
K. U. Karabayeva
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
M. T. Asmagambetova
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
A. R. Romanova
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
T. L. Nicolaeva
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
N. T. Dildabekova
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
M. K. Kuderinova
Clinical Pharmacology and evidence-based Medicine Department
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For citations:
Zhaugasheva S.K., Piven L.I., Kim T.V., Karabayeva K.U., Asmagambetova M.T., Romanova A.R., Nicolaeva T.L., Dildabekova N.T., Kuderinova M.K. Features of distance learning as a tool for optimising and individualising education at a medical university. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):72-75. (In Kazakh)