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The impact of mentoring on improving the professional skills of nursing staff


The article discusses the impact of mentoring on improving the professional skills of nursing staff. Increasing the level of nursing education provides a higher level of theoretical and specialized skills development.The main elements of the personnel development system are the acquisition of experience, training and mentoring.

About the Authors

D. J. Zhanseitova
NAO «Medical University of Karaganda»

School of Nursing education


M. A. Seitbayeva
NAO «Medical University of Karaganda»

School of Nursing education


V. Y. Yablonskaya
NAO «Medical University of Karaganda»

School of Nursing education


T. T. Kispaeva
NAO «Medical University of Karaganda»

School of Nursing education



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For citations:

Zhanseitova D.J., Seitbayeva M.A., Yablonskaya V.Y., Kispaeva T.T. The impact of mentoring on improving the professional skills of nursing staff. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):64-67. (In Russ.)

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