Modern problems of pharmacotherapy of patients elderly and senile age at the PHC level in Kazakhstan: STOPP/ START criteria
Aim: To identify modern problems of pharmacotherapy of elderly and later life patients at the PHC level in Kazakhstan using the STOPP / START criteria.
Methods: A prospective descriptive study was carried out at the primary care level, in 5 clinics in Kazakhstan. The study involved 205 patients over 65 years old who received regular outpatient treatment for chronic diseases. Patients’ current diagnoses and prescription medicines were reviewed and the STOPP and START tools applied.
Result: The frequency of potentially inappropriate prescriptions was 56% and is significant. There was a high frequency of prescribing centrally acting antihypertensive drugs (21%), long-acting sulfonylureas (16.5%), prescribing NSAIDs without prophylactic PPIs (20%) and COX-2 drugs for CVD (7%) in persons over 65 years of age at the level PHC. The frequency of Missed appointments at the PHC level was 23%. Most often, statins were not prescribed with a documented history of coronary, cerebral disease (27%), and beta-blockers in coronary artery disease (6%), and ACE inhibitors in systolic CHF and angina pectoris (5%), which causes a high risk of cardiovascular complications in elderly people.
Conclusion: On the basis of the study, problems have been identified that indicate a high risk of developing ADR in persons over 65 at the outpatient level, which require the introduction of modern technologies and tools to identify PIP and prevent polypharmacy.
About the Authors
G. M. MuldaevaKazakhstan
department of family medicine
A. T. Ibysheva
department of family medicine
A. B. Kuzgibekova
department of family medicine
A. R. Beisenaeva
department of family medicine
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For citations:
Muldaeva G.M., Ibysheva A.T., Kuzgibekova A.B., Beisenaeva A.R. Modern problems of pharmacotherapy of patients elderly and senile age at the PHC level in Kazakhstan: STOPP/ START criteria. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):57-63. (In Russ.)