
Medicine and ecology

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Development of the composition and technology of the dosage form of the gel with extract Xanthium strumarium L.


The article presents the results of a study on the development of the composition and technology of a soft gel dosage form using cocklebur extract, essential oil of Scots pine and the substance chondroitin sulfate as pharmacologically active ingredients. The selection of excipients was carried out, the optimal composition of the gel was determined on the basis of biological and rheological studies. The indicators of control and critical points of the technological process are determined and a technological scheme for the production of a gel for external use is developed.

About the Authors

J. B. Kaliev
NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University»


N. S. Remetova
NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University»


H. I. Itzhanova
NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University»


G. M. Abdrakhmanova
NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University»


N. T. Dildabekova
NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University»


A. R. Romanova
NCJSC «Karaganda Medical University»



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For citations:

Kaliev J.B., Remetova N.S., Itzhanova H.I., Abdrakhmanova G.M., Dildabekova N.T., Romanova A.R. Development of the composition and technology of the dosage form of the gel with extract Xanthium strumarium L. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):46-52. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)