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Nursing medical and social support for HIV-infected patients


The article examines the role of nursing care in the antiretroviral treatment of patients with human immunodeficiency virus, since highly active antiretroviral treatment can only restrain the progression of infection, although it is not able to treat patients.

About the Authors

L. M. Khamidullina
NJS “Medical University of Karaganda”

School of Nursing Education in Karaganda

M. A. Seitbayeva
NJS “Medical University of Karaganda”

School of Nursing Education in Karaganda

M. S. Amirbekova
NJS “Medical University of Karaganda”

School of Nursing Education in Karaganda

T. T. Kispaeva
NJS “Medical University of Karaganda”

School of Nursing Education in Karaganda


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For citations:

Khamidullina L.M., Seitbayeva M.A., Amirbekova M.S., Kispaeva T.T. Nursing medical and social support for HIV-infected patients. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):42-45. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)