Studying the issues of changes in the population’s adherence to vaccine prevention of infectious diseases
In this study, a comparative analysis of changes in the population’s adherence to the vaccination of infectious diseases in children for 2019-2021 was carried out. The study was conducted in Railway Hospital of Karaganda.
To solve the problems of the study, the vaccination cards of children for 2019-2021 were considered, the documentation, the work of the vaccination office, magazines on vaccination work, the KMIS medical program, namely the sections that relate to vaccination, were taken separately 5 vaccines and reviewed by years, it was considered how commitment changed for 2019-2021.
When conducting a comparative analysis of changes in the population’s adherence to the vaccine prevention of infectious diseases in children for 2019-2021, it was revealed that the attitude towards vaccines has changed towards greater adherence: Hexaxim, CPC, Boostrix.
In the direction of reducing immunoprophylaxis, the following vaccines are brought to the fore: Pentaxim.
About the Authors
I. A. BolshakovKazakhstan
School of Nursing Education
K. E. Shozda
School of Nursing Education
Zh. A. Kalbekov
School of Nursing Education
M. A. Seytbaeva
School of Nursing Education
N. N. Sedach
School of Nursing Education
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For citations:
Bolshakov I.A., Shozda K.E., Kalbekov Zh.A., Seytbaeva M.A., Sedach N.N. Studying the issues of changes in the population’s adherence to vaccine prevention of infectious diseases. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):36-38. (In Russ.)