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Congenital heart defects are one of the most common malformations in children. Risk factors in the preprenatal stage are somatic diseases of the mother, frequent viral infections, miscarriage, spontaneous abortions, missed abortion, in prenatal stage, the exacerbation of systemic diseases, complications of pregnancy, viral infections, lack of genetic counseling and the frequency and diagnostic resolvability ultrasound examination, women at risk, the lack of use of modern functional research methods of the fetus. Congenital heart defects often have a combination with malformations of other organs and systems. In this paper, we retrospectively analyzed 213 stories for the period from 2014 to 2016, of which 97 stories of birth, the card exchange and the history of full-term newborns with congenital heart defects born on the third level of obstetrics in the Regional Perinatal center in Karaganda, 116 history of the developments of newborns from the second level of obstetric care from the city of Petropavlovsk, city maternity hospital of Karaganda city and the maternity ward of the city of Balkhash. It was noted that the following risk factors may affect the increase in the frequency of congenital heart defects: age factor (age of women over 35, age of fathers over 30 years), infectious diseases, somatic status of women, pathological course of pregnancy, hereditary factor, bad habits, environmental situation, etc.

About the Authors

K. A. Kenzhebaeva
Karaganda state medical university

S. M. Kabyeva
Karaganda state medical university

K. S. Zhumakanova
Karaganda state medical university

G. K. Galiyevtf
Regional perinatal center of Karaganda

R. M. Zhangabulova
Central hospital of Balkhash


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For citations:

Kenzhebaeva K.A., Kabyeva S.M., Zhumakanova K.S., Galiyevtf G.K., Zhangabulova R.M. RISK FACTORS FOR CONGENITAL HEART DISEASES OF NEWBORNS IN A NUMBER OF REGION OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN . Medicine and ecology. 2018;(2):49-54. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)