
Medicine and ecology

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Assessment of the incidence of ascariasis of the population of Karaganda


The article presents data showing the contribution of the main factors contributing to the spread of geohelminth in the habitat of the inhabitants of Karaganda, which include roundworm. In view of the danger to the health of the population in one of the largest cities of the Republic, the data on contamination with roundworm eggs of the districts of the city of Karaganda are given. The potential danger of infection of the population with ascariasis was assessed.

About the Authors

V. V. Britko
Karaganda Medical University


N. Begam
Karaganda Medical University


I. S. Kalymanov
Karaganda Medical University



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For citations:

Britko V.V., Begam N., Kalymanov I.S. Assessment of the incidence of ascariasis of the population of Karaganda. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(2):22-24. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)