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On the introduction of active learning methods in Studying organic chemistry


The article is devoted to the introduction of active methods into the educational process, such as work in small groups, team-oriented learning. Guidelines on organic chemistry for teachers on active teaching methods have been developed. The goals, objectives and main methodological principles of conducting one of the methods of problem-team learning are described. The developed situational tasks for the practical lesson and the criteria for evaluating all types of students’ activities in the lesson are given. The analysis of the feedback from the students of the specialties “Pharmacy” and “Technology of Pharmaceutical Production” is described after classes using active learning methods

About the Authors

R. K. Sotchenko
Medical University of Karaganda

School of Pharmacy


A. N. Nogaeva
Medical University of Karaganda

School of Pharmacy


L. M. Vlassova
Medical University of Karaganda

School of Pharmacy



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For citations:

Sotchenko R.K., Nogaeva A.N., Vlassova L.M. On the introduction of active learning methods in Studying organic chemistry. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):64-67. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)