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Interdisciplinary teaching methods at Karaganda medical university (on the example of political and social disciplines)


Now it is used the variant teaching methods for qualifications of the public health professionals.
This article considers the implementation of the active teaching methods in interdisciplinary learning.
The teachers of department history of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines conducted the interdisciplinary lessons with using of active teaching methods. The using interdisciplinary learning at the lessons in the modern education is connecting with looking of reformation ways of classic learning into more effective. It is natural that there is a historical continuity in the modernization of the political system of independent Kazakhstan, the formation of a creative personality of the intellectual society and the study of new aspects of national history. Modern history of Kazakhstan is an integral part of the history of the Kazakh and other peoples living in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the history of all mankind. Today, universities pay more attention to professional training in the training of future professionals. Part of it is the formation of students’ communication competencies in the study of disciplines through interdisciplinary communication in various spheres of society.
We concluded that given concept is effective necessary for qualifications of marketability professionals at the contemporary world.

About the Authors

G. G. Alieva
Karagandy medicine university


Yu. G. Osintseva
Karagandy medicine university


G. B. Alipbekova
Karagandy medicine university


A. K. Zholomanova
Karagandy medicine university



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For citations:

Alieva G.G., Osintseva Yu.G., Alipbekova G.B., Zholomanova A.K. Interdisciplinary teaching methods at Karaganda medical university (on the example of political and social disciplines). Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):55-59. (In Kazakh)

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