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Structured approach «umbrella mentoring»: reflections of clinical mentors on their contribution to the formation of a therapeutic profile specialist


Introduction. The “Umbrella Mentoring” structured approach is combining: mentoring, supervision, training, tutoring and instruction. It can be the key to structuring and managing the process of forming the professional identity of future specialists. The aim of the study was to identify the structure of approaches used by clinical mentors of therapeutic specialties residents in practice-oriented training.
Material and methods: during research were analyzed 16 clinical mentor’s essays of 6 therapeutic profile residency specialties, where 13 mentors were employees of the Regional Clinical Hospital, 3 of them were from “Center of Hematology” LLP.
The study results showed that all mentors used such approaches as “training”, “coaching” and “observation”. Mentors with extensive work experience emphasized the need of constant self-improvement skill, ability to work in an interdisciplinary team. Also, they noticed the importance of creating a favorable, comfortable environment for residents to effectively study and expressed concern about the further routing of young professionals after the residency.
Conclusions: Thus, during the process of clinical training, mentors of therapeutic specialties residency use various approaches that allow taking into account individual abilities, attitudes, motivation, and needs of students.

About the Authors

L. G. Turgunova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Internal Diseases


E. M. Laryushina
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Internal Diseases


G. S. Kemelova
Karaganda Medical University

Center of Simulation and Educational Technologies


L. K. Ibraeva
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Internal Diseases


A. R. Alina
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Internal Diseases


D. T. Amirkhanova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Internal Diseases


I. V. Bacheva
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Internal Diseases



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For citations:

Turgunova L.G., Laryushina E.M., Kemelova G.S., Ibraeva L.K., Alina A.R., Amirkhanova D.T., Bacheva I.V. Structured approach «umbrella mentoring»: reflections of clinical mentors on their contribution to the formation of a therapeutic profile specialist. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):51-54. (In Russ.)

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