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Analysis of the quality of specialized and high technology medical care provided in Karaganda oblast and the average length of patient treatment in hospital


There are many unresolved issues in terms of the volume and structure of medical services provided in the Karaganda region. To solve these problems, a wide range of opportunities and methods are offered, such opportunities are available for patients to receive the necessary medical care on the ground. The object of our study was the regional medical center, where one of the first in the region introduced elements of high-tech medical care to the population. Every year the number of patients treated in the regional medical center increases in the region, if in 2017 1935 patients received specialized, including high-tech medical care, then in 2019 the number of patients who received specialized and highly specialized medical care was received by 2862 patients. In general, this growth was 47%. It should also be noted that there is a positive trend in the provision of highly specialized medical care in the Karaganda region, a slight increase in 2021 compared to 2017 by 1.2 times in the number of residents who received highly specialized medical care, which is included in the basic program of compulsory medical insurance.

About the Authors

D. B. Kulov
Karaganda Medical University School of Public Health


N. M. Abdiev
Kazakhstan Medical University, Department of Public Health


M. D. Brimzhanova
Kazakhstan Medical University, Department of Public Health


E. J. Makhambetchin
Kazakhstan Medical University, Department of Public Health


T. S. Sergaliev
Karaganda Medical University School of Public Health


R. K. Kuandykova
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmet Yasawi

Department of Preventive Medicine


Sh. D. Dzhaketaeva
Karaganda Medical University School of Public Health


Zh. E. Khassenova
MSE to the right of business «Regional Mental Health Center psychiatrist»



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For citations:

Kulov D.B., Abdiev N.M., Brimzhanova M.D., Makhambetchin E.J., Sergaliev T.S., Kuandykova R.K., Dzhaketaeva Sh.D., Khassenova Zh.E. Analysis of the quality of specialized and high technology medical care provided in Karaganda oblast and the average length of patient treatment in hospital. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):44-46. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)