The current state of implementation of the provisions of the GPP standard in kazakhstan and in world practice
The current state analysis of the GPP provision in Kazakhstan and in foreign countries implementation was conducted. It showed a problem of implementing this standard not only in Kazakhstan, but also in many countries of the world, especially, in low-income countries. There are various ways to increase public awareness of responsible health care through the media, but the most effective one is through the person who sells the drugs to the patient, i.e. the pharmacist. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures to implement this standard in pharmacy practice. The pharmacists should talk to patients about healthy lifestyles and disease prevention.
About the Authors
E. G. ShatalovaKazakhstan
K. P. Shemyakina
I. V. Losseva
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For citations:
Shatalova E.G., Shemyakina K.P., Losseva I.V. The current state of implementation of the provisions of the GPP standard in kazakhstan and in world practice. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):39-43. (In Russ.)