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Determination of biometric indicators of hot pepper seed seedlings with phytohormone treatment


In the article presents the results of monitoring the growth capacity and development of seed material of hot pepper when treated with growth phytohormones «epin-extra», «kornevin». We also determined the biometric indicators of hot pepper seedlings. Biometric parameters were assessed, such as shoot height, leaf blade area, and number of leaves.

About the Authors

B. N. Dyussenbekova
NС JSC «Karaganda Medical University»


A. T. Bakbaeva
NС JSC «Karaganda Medical University»



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For citations:

Dyussenbekova B.N., Bakbaeva A.T. Determination of biometric indicators of hot pepper seed seedlings with phytohormone treatment. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):27-29. (In Kazakh)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)