The results of a retrospective analysis to identify comorbid conditions in patients with coronavirus infection (COVID-19) on the example of patients of MF «Hippocrates» LLP
In the context of the development of a pandemic from coronavirus infection (COVID-19), the most vulnerable groups of the population with chronic diseases were susceptible to a severe course of coronavirus infection. This article presents an analysis of the results of a study on the detection of comorbid conditions in patients with COVID-19 treated in an infectious hospital of MF “Hippocrates” LLP. Age groups of patients with various comorbid conditions and complications are described.
About the Authors
T. O. AbugalievaKazakhstan
M. S. Serikova
K. A. Alikhanovа
S. E. Halmuradova
V. A. Zhakipbekova
Sh. M. Gazalieva
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For citations:
Abugalieva T.O., Serikova M.S., Alikhanovа K.A., Halmuradova S.E., Zhakipbekova V.A., Gazalieva Sh.M. The results of a retrospective analysis to identify comorbid conditions in patients with coronavirus infection (COVID-19) on the example of patients of MF «Hippocrates» LLP. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(3):19-22. (In Russ.)