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Professional-oriented education at higher medical school with immersion in a foreign didactic medium


A modern higher school prepares a multilingual and multicultural personality using the pedagogical technology of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Multilingual education is based on teaching in native and foreign languages. Languages become a means of comprehending the sphere of special knowledge, professional and socio-cultural competencies and give the individual additional chances to compete in the global market of specialists.
Objective. Practical verification of the effectiveness of using CLIL technology in the classes of specially oriented disciplines (SOD) in a foreign language at the university.
Materials and methods. Diagnostic (questionnaires, conversations with students and teachers); observational (observation, testing); cognitive-generalizing (theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and linguomethodological literature); the process of introducing CLIL technology into the educational process.
Results and discussion. Methodological recommendations for conducting classes using CLIL technologies are given. Inference. Teachers need to be professional in the discipline they teach; have a good command of a foreign language as a means of communication in the process of conducting a lesson; know the principles of didactics.
Conclusions. Teaching of specially-oriented disciplines in a foreign language involves immersion of students in a foreign language didactic medium within which there is a gradual subject-language adaptation.

About the Authors

N. M. Kharissova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


F. A. Mindubayeva
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


L. M. Smirnova
Kostroma State University
Russian Federation

Department of Physical Culture and Sports


Ye. Yu. Salikhova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


N. N. Akimzhanova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


Yu. I. Niyazova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


G. K. Ryspayeva
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


Sh. Sh. Sarsembayeva
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology


A. A. Adilbekova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Morphology and Physiology



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For citations:

Kharissova N.M., Mindubayeva F.A., Smirnova L.M., Salikhova Ye.Yu., Akimzhanova N.N., Niyazova Yu.I., Ryspayeva G.K., Sarsembayeva Sh.Sh., Adilbekova A.A. Professional-oriented education at higher medical school with immersion in a foreign didactic medium. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):82-91. (In Russ.)

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