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Application of technology for students in teaching ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology


In modern conditions, the training and education of competent, thinking doctors is directly related to modern teaching methods, with the use of interactive learning technologies in the educational process.
Modern teaching methods used at the Department of Surgical Diseases in the disciplines of Ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology allow students to form core competencies, contribute to the formation of systematic thinking of a modern specialist ready for independent professional activity.

About the Authors

G. P. Arinova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Surgical Diseases


S. P. Arinova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Surgical Diseases


V. I. Kuznetsova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Surgical Diseases


A. I. Arinova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of Surgical Diseases



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For citations:

Arinova G.P., Arinova S.P., Kuznetsova V.I., Arinova A.I. Application of technology for students in teaching ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):78-81. (In Kazakh)

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