Experience of distance teaching of histology at the Medical university of Karagandy
The article presents the experience of the Department of Morphology and Physiology (block histology) of the Karaganda Medical University in working in a remote format of the educational process during the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. The features of the lecture course, the use of various platforms for conducting practical classes, the methodological support of distance education, and the features of feedback from students were discussed. The positive and negative aspects of distance learning from the point of view of teachers are discussed.
About the Authors
G. U. ZhanaidarovаKazakhstan
Department of Morphology and Physiology
N. N. Nauryzov
Department of Morphology and Physiology
K. T. Nurseytova
Department of Morphology and Physiology
R. Zh. Yessimova
Department of Morphology and Physiology
B. H. Berikbaeva
Department of Morphology and Physiology
G. Zh. Akhmetova
Department of Morphology and Physiology
G. K. Tuleuova
Department of Morphology and Physiology
T. S. Beisenov
Department of Morphology and Physiology
S. A. Kusherbaev
Faculty of Biology and Geography
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For citations:
Zhanaidarovа G.U., Nauryzov N.N., Nurseytova K.T., Yessimova R.Zh., Berikbaeva B.H., Akhmetova G.Zh., Tuleuova G.K., Beisenov T.S., Kusherbaev S.A. Experience of distance teaching of histology at the Medical university of Karagandy. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):68-71. (In Russ.)