
Medicine and ecology

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Is philosophy a common subject for medical students, or is it spiritual education?


When improving the special training of medical scientists, it is very important to radically change their humanitarian training, especially in all possible consequences of the results of research and practical activities, to increase in their minds the philosophical culture of thinking and personal moral responsibility. It is necessary to determine the significance of the science of philosophy for modern students - for future doctors studying modern medical sciences. In the presented work, we tried to prove the importance and significance of philosophical science for future doctors, since philosophy provides broad universal knowledge about the sociocultural reality surrounding us, helps a person to understand its place and role in the world. This article is written in order to determine the purpose, significance, impact and knowledge of the subject of philosophy for medical students. In the course of the definition, the experiments and studies carried out, the topics and works carried out in the subject of philosophy, as well as the thoughts of students related to a particular topic are shown. In general, in the course of writing the article, we tried to get answers to the questions of what role the subject of philosophy plays for medical students, whether it has its advantages in everyday personal and professional life, whether it has its pros and cons.

About the Authors

N. A. Meiramova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of history of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines


A. T. Bakirova
Karaganda Medical University

Department of history of Kazakhstan and socio-political disciplines



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For citations:

Meiramova N.A., Bakirova A.T. Is philosophy a common subject for medical students, or is it spiritual education? Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):55-59. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)