Features of psychological training method in the process of studying psychology at the medical university
The article discusses the use of psychological training in the process of organizing the educational process in Medical university, the education system in higher education, as well as changes in the nature and functions of vocational education in modern times. Methods of active learning are described. The concept of training, psychological training is revealed, various approaches to understanding the training form of conducting classes are substantiated. The psychological and pedagogical experience of using the training form of conducting classes in higher school is analyzed. The diagnostic, preventive, transformative, corrective functions of psychological training, the peculiarities of their influence on group work are considered. The advantages and limitations of training work are highlighted, as well as the opportunity to use the strengths of group work in the use of psychological training for students. The formative, developing, and educational training programs are revealed, on the basis of which a questionnaire is created to find out the most relevant programs in the higher education system. The introduction of a training form of the organization of the learning process in higher education is justified on the basis of a questionnaire conducted with students of the second year of study at the Medical university. The main structural components of the training organization of practical classes with students are highlighted. The results are presented in the percentage ratio of students’ choice of the most effective and relevant training areas of work. The necessity of mandatory use of active and interactive forms and methods of teaching is substantiated, thanks to which, there is an actualization and effective appropriation of knowledge, their inclusion in the system of individual student experience. In particular, educational trainings aimed at developing self-regulation skills, communicative trainings, training approaches that stimulate personal growth.Educational trainings are the most preferable according to the results of the student survey.
About the Authors
Z. K. ZhumanbayevaKazakhstan
Zarina Kairatovna Zhumanbayeva – assistant-professor, Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines, тел.: +77751090688
M. B. Osspanova
Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines
Zh. B. Osspanova
Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines
K. K. Zhunussova
Department of History of Kazakhstan and social-political disciplines
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For citations:
Zhumanbayeva Z.K., Osspanova M.B., Osspanova Zh.B., Zhunussova K.K. Features of psychological training method in the process of studying psychology at the medical university. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):50-54.