Modern directions of medical education quality improving
The article discusses methods for improving the quality of medical education with the widespread use of modern educational technologies. One of these methods is the method of writing a scientific article. Research work on writing scientific articles was carried out among students.
Materials and research methods. The respondents were given a lecture on the topic “Antifungal and antiviral agents”. All students in the group took part in the lecture. The topic was chosen in accordance with the work program and the approved thematic plan of practical classes. Thus, the students were first provided with additional information for the study, and then a test control was carried out. The results were evaluated in comparison with control groups.
The results of the study showed that by writing a scientific work, students consolidated their knowledge in theoretical and practical areas and improved their clinical thinking by conducting a comprehensive study.
About the Authors
G. D. TorezhanovaKazakhstan
M. K. Кuderinova
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For citations:
Torezhanova G.D., Кuderinova M.K. Modern directions of medical education quality improving. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):46-49. (In Russ.)