The role of the nurse in the implementation of the I stage of the nursing process in diseases of the respiratory system
The role of a nurse in the implementation of the first stage of the nursing process in diseases of the respiratory system is one of the main and integral concepts of modern models of nursing. By 2030, WHO predicts that COPD will become the third leading cause of death in the world. The purpose of the study is to identify common problems in the first stage of the nursing process in diseases of the respiratory system when studying the features of the work of a nurse. This study was conducted using a survey of patients in assessing the quality of the first stage of the nursing process, as well as monitoring nurses during the organization of the first stage of the nursing process. The analysis of the effectiveness of the activity of a nursing specialist to identify problems in the organization of the first stage of the nursing process made it possible to identify defects in the preparation of official data, passport part, medical history, epidemiological and allergic history.
About the Authors
N. A. GalievaKazakhstan
F. Kh. Sadueva
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For citations:
Galieva N.A., Sadueva F.Kh. The role of the nurse in the implementation of the I stage of the nursing process in diseases of the respiratory system. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):35-38. (In Russ.)