Experimental effect of “fast food” on the blood composition of female rats
Feeding female rats fast food (fast food) caused physiological disturbances, as well as changes in blood composition. During the experiment, restless behavior of rats, a constant feeling of hunger, and a violation of concentration were observed.
During recovery, the rats remained calm but restless. During the experiment in the 1st group (experimental) there was an increase in platelets and hemoglobin. With general poisoning, the number of platelets increases with severe stress, because the body tries to compensate for the losses as much as possible. At the end of the experiment, loss of appetite was observed, which can be considered as a sign of high hemoglobin.
About the Authors
Ye. S. TatinaKazakhstan
Department of Biomedicine
I. S. Kalymanov
Department of Biomedicine
G. T. Kalieva
Department of Biomedicine
T. T. Mukhanova
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For citations:
Tatina Ye.S., Kalymanov I.S., Kalieva G.T., Mukhanova T.T. Experimental effect of “fast food” on the blood composition of female rats. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):29-31. (In Kazakh)