Determination of the features of professional stress among operating nurses
In modern conditions, a person’s professional activity is accompanied by the influence of various unfavorable factors that cause negative emotions and significant neuropsychological stress. The work of a nurse is no exception. In connection with the high psycho-emotional and physical stress in the work of a nurse, it is worth noting the increase in the level of stress among medical workers, which leads to a deterioration in health and work activity.
Significant work is performed by nurses in operating rooms. In various operating rooms, anesthetic, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are carried out, which can be both planned and emergency. The operating nurse must be able to apply theoretical skills in practice. In addition, in the operating room, the nurse must apply the skills of interdisciplinary practices and teamwork. The operating room medical staff is also working to improve patient care practices.
Due to the fact that nursing is present at all stages of the patient’s surgical treatment, it can be argued that the nurse is a change agent to transform the healthcare system for the better.
Chronic stress experienced by nurses can increase the risk of depression. In the work of a nurse, the mode of emotional security is important. The work associated with caring for sick people requires special responsibility, great physical and emotional stress. Psychological risk factors in the work of an operating room nurse can lead to various types of psycho-emotional disorders.
About the Authors
V. A. VasyutinaKazakhstan
K. E. Shozda
I. A. Bolshakova
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For citations:
Vasyutina V.A., Shozda K.E., Bolshakova I.A. Determination of the features of professional stress among operating nurses. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):19-22. (In Russ.)