Assessment of the cytogenetic effect of the atmospheric air of the city of Karaganda (Central Kazakhstan) on the meristems of woody plants
The article presents the results of a study of the genotoxic effect of atmospheric air on the apical meristem of woody plants growing in a large industrial center. It was found that atmospheric pollution increases the frequency of micronucleus formation in the meristem cells of black poplar and dwarf elm.
About the Authors
A. I. TolegenovaKazakhstan
S. A. Dzhangildinova
M. I. Zhunusova
K. N. Kuvatbaeva
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For citations:
Tolegenova A.I., Dzhangildinova S.A., Zhunusova M.I., Kuvatbaeva K.N. Assessment of the cytogenetic effect of the atmospheric air of the city of Karaganda (Central Kazakhstan) on the meristems of woody plants. Medicine and ecology. 2022;(4):8-9. (In Kazakh)