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In most cases, COVID-19 is easier in children than in adults. However, starting in March 2020, from a number of European countries and the United States, there have been reports of children with a new disease, showing signs of Kawasaki and toxic shock syndrome, which have received one of the names - pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with COVID-19. The largest number of clinical and laboratory-instrumental manifestations and outcomes of pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome associated with COVID-19 were carried out in Italy, France, Switzerland, England, and the United States. A retrospective analysis of the medical histories of 5 children diagnosed with inflammatory multisystem syndrome associated with COVID-19, hospitalized at the Infection Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital, was carried out.

About the Authors

R. Kh. Begaidarova
Karaganda Medical University

A. G. Giniyat
Ministry of Heath of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. V. Slugin
Regional Clinical Hospital

A. S. Saramanova
Regional Clinical Hospital

G. E. Nasakayeva
Karaganda Medical University

A. Ye. Dyusembayeva
Karaganda Medical University

Kh. D. Talipbekova
Karaganda Medical University

O. A. Zolotaryova
Karaganda Medical University

G. M. Omarova
Karaganda Medical University

A. K. Tokhmetova
Karaganda Medical University


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For citations:

Begaidarova R.Kh., Giniyat A.G., Slugin A.V., Saramanova A.S., Nasakayeva G.E., Dyusembayeva A.Ye., Talipbekova Kh.D., Zolotaryova O.A., Omarova G.M., Tokhmetova A.K. MULTISYSTEM INFLAMMATORY SYNDROME TEMPORARILY ASSOCIATED WITH COVID-19 IN CHILDREN: OWN CLINICAL OBSERVATION. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(1):93-101.

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