
Medicine and ecology

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The aspects of building of ntegrated program «Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Medical Chemistry» within the framework of the «Fundamentals of Living Systems Functioning» module for teaching students of the «General Medicine» specialty are considered. Attention is drawn to the formation of a thematic plan in the process of studying the issues of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry. The combination of various elements of the disciplines eliminated the duplication of the same medical concepts and focused on the key points of the integrated discipline. This made it possible to form the specifics of an integrated approach to the study by students of various disciplines, such as chemistry, and pharmacology, as well as to stimulate the acquisition of knowledge from various sources in solving the set interdisciplinary problems. The criteria for student achievement were studied over several years of study. Conclusions are made on the effectiveness of the implementation of an integrated discipline in the educational process based on the results of the work done. It is shown that the formed interdisciplinary connections made it possible to update the content, form, methods and means of teaching in order to form the professional competencies of students. The results of the introduction of interdisciplinary integration into the educational process, which confirmed the statement about the effectiveness of this learning technology, were obtained. Integration provides an organic fusion of content, methods and forms of organization of the educational process.

About the Authors

L. I. Piven
Karaganda medical university

R. K. Sotchenko
Karaganda medical university

L. M. Vlasova
Karaganda medical university

M. T. Asmagambetova
Karaganda medical university

A. R. Romanova
Karaganda medical university

I. V. Figurinine
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Piven L.I., Sotchenko R.K., Vlasova L.M., Asmagambetova M.T., Romanova A.R., Figurinine I.V. TO THE PROBLEM OF INTEGRATION OF PHARMACOLOGY AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(1):81-87.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)