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The aim of our work was to analyze the frequency of occurrence, type of conflict, and features of the course of hemolytic disease of newborns at the present stage. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical histories of newborns born in 2019 in the LLP «RGC» of Karaganda. The analysis showed that the proportion of newborns with hemolytic disease for the analyzed period was 0.7%, the incidence rate was 7 per 1000 newborns born alive. ABO -isoimmunization was more than 10 times higher than Rh-isoimmunization in newborns. Timely diagnosis and treatment contributed to a favorable prognosis and the absence of complications. However, carrying out timely preventive measures for pregnant women prevents the birth of newborns with hemolytic disease.

About the Authors

F. H. Ibragimova
Karaganda medical university

O. S. Baitureyev
Karaganda medical university

G. N. Ramankul
Karaganda medical university

L. A. Itkulova
Karaganda medical university

S. T. Kizatova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Ibragimova F.H., Baitureyev O.S., Ramankul G.N., Itkulova L.A., Kizatova S.T. MODERN ASPECTS OF THE COURSE OF HEMOLYTIC DISEASES OF NEWBORNS IN KARAGANDA REGION. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(1):24-29.

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