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The aim: to analyze the results of an objective structured clinical examination in an internship to understand ways to increase its effectiveness and improve the Clinical Competence of graduates of medical universities. Materials and methods: 272 interns of the specialty «general medicine» using the method of mathematical analysis evaluated the internal reliability of the examination as a whole and of individual stations (Cronbach's a); station difficulty level and discrimination; corrected item total correlation; «Cronbach's a if item deleted». Results and discussions: an objective structured clinical examination is a reliable (Cronbach's a=0,661) and appropriate (Discrimination 0,060-0,190) examination. This allows us to consider it an example of modern Educational Technology. Too complex and too simple stations not found. But the limit of difficulty (80,4 item) was reached at station №5 «Diagnosis and emergency care for a stroke at the prehospital stage». The smallest differences in student competence were observed at station №7, «Differential Diagnostics for Cyanosis in Children» (0,060) and the largest (0,190) at station №10 «Family Planning Advice». To resolve the issue of the internal reliability of stations, the characteristics of their rating sheets should be considered and evaluate inter-expert reliability

About the Authors

O. V. Kazimirova
Karaganda medical university

G. M. Muldayeva
Karaganda medical university

L. I. Arystan
Karaganda medical university

L. S. Haydargaliyeva
Karaganda medical university

G. S. Kemelova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Kazimirova O.V., Muldayeva G.M., Arystan L.I., Haydargaliyeva L.S., Kemelova G.S. ANALYSIS OF AN OBJECTIVE STRUCTURED CLINICAL EXAMINATION IN AN INTERNSHIP. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(3):67-71. (In Russ.)

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