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Primary health care is the first and main link between society and the health system. It is the first level of contact and the stage of the continuous process of protecting public health. This literature review presents the main results of evaluation tools for analysis of activities of primary health care services. The authors conducted a systematic search for scientific publications in the search engines PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, in the CyberLeninka electronic scientific library. Search depth was 15 years old. 532 sources were found, of which 47 were selected after the initial analysis. For the final analysis, 8 articles were selected. A comparative analysis of primary care performance activity assessment tools showed the effectiveness of valid tools such as the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT) and the service availability and readiness assessment (SARA).

About the Authors

M. A. Bekbolatova
Semey Medical University

U. S. Jamedinova
Semey Medical University

A. T. Shaltynov
Semey Medical University

A. Zh. Baibusinova
Semey Medical University

A. O. Myssayev
Semey Medical University


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For citations:

Bekbolatova M.A., Jamedinova U.S., Shaltynov A.T., Baibusinova A.Zh., Myssayev A.O. ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY CARE PERFORMANCE ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT TOOLS. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(3):22-32. (In Russ.)

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