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The authors of the article cite their own clinical observation of a rare pathology - spontaneous rupture of the kidney. Based on a comprehensive examination, the authors were able to establish a diagnosis of spontaneous kidney rupture and choose a rational treatment tactic. The authors conclude that for the correct and timely diagnosis of spontaneous rupture of a kidney or disease that caused it, the use of modern research methods is required. First of all, screening methods are prescribed - ultrasound diagnostics, which allows you to quickly and with confidence make a diagnosis of spontaneous rupture of the kidney and conduct rational treatment tactics. Using magnetic resonance imaging, you can determine the age of hemorrhage, identify areas of fresh hemorrhage against the background of bleeding into the perinephral tissue, which can determine the indications for emergency surgery.

About the Authors

S. A. Zhunusov
Regional Clinical Hospital of the city of Karaganda

R. M. Gapkairov
Regional Clinical Hospital of the city of Karaganda

A. A. Khaitenov
Karaganda Medical University

D. M. Seyitov
Karaganda Medical University

B. R. Myrzykbayev
Karaganda Medical University

Sh. S. Nuraiy
Karaganda Medical University

Z. A. Khaitenovtf
Karaganda Medical University

R. M. Isayeva
Karaganda Medical University


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For citations:

Zhunusov S.A., Gapkairov R.M., Khaitenov A.A., Seyitov D.M., Myrzykbayev B.R., Nuraiy Sh.S., Khaitenovtf Z.A., Isayeva R.M. CLINICAL CASE OF SPONTANEOUS RUPTURE OF THE KIDNEY WITH CONCOMITANT HYDRONEPHROSIS. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(2):111-115. (In Russ.)

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