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The advantages of mini-invasive adhesiolysis are obvious : less traumatic access, due to the absence of a large, in fact, through, wound of the abdominal wall, and the inevitable extensive contact with the pariental and visceral leaves of the peritoneum, which occurs when they are palpated.As a result, there is a much smaller number of adhesions than after laparotomy.The undoubted advantages include early recovery of bowel function (within 1 day after surgery), early rehabilitation of patients and reducing the duration of their stay in the hospital. A less pronounced pain syndrome after laparoscopic surgery makes it possible to activate patients earlier, which, in turn, contributes to the prevention of pulmonary complications(pneumonia, hypoventilation, discovision atelectasis, etc. ). After minimally invasive operations, the frequency of suppuration of the postoperative wound, eventration, and complications such as ligature fistulas, postoperative hernia, and others characteristic of laparotomy are reduced. However, despite the obvious advantages of using endovideosurgery, some surgical hospitals do not welcome the use of the laparoscopic method. The effectiveness of laparoscopy depends on the stage of intestinal obstruction, the severity of the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity after previously undergone surgery, and the severity of concomitant diseases.

About the Authors

B. V. Tskhay
Regional Clinical Hospital of Karaganda

A. Ye. Alibekov
Karaganda medical university

D. B. Tastambekov
Regional Clinical Hospital of Karaganda

A. M. Baiykbayeva
Karaganda medical university

M. I. Kusainov
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Tskhay B.V., Alibekov A.Ye., Tastambekov D.B., Baiykbayeva A.M., Kusainov M.I. ENDOVIDEOLAPARASCOPY IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF ACUTE INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(2):72-77. (In Russ.)

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