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Despite the existing screening programs for colorectal cancer, new markers are still being developed, including serum biomarker panels for early diagnosis, and in patients with a verified disease, panels for assessing the prognosis and probability of metastasis. Biomarker research has remained in demand in the field of Oncology for decades, but the number of recommended, clinically significant serum markers has not increased. Objective - to study the role of serum biomarkers of colorectal adenocarcinomas of different degrees of differentiation in patients of the Kazakh population. For the study, it was used an immunofluorescence method through XMap technology, which included simultaneous determination of AFP, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CEA, CYFRA 21-1, HE4, and osteopontin. As a result, AFP, CA 125, and CA15-3 did not show differences related to tumor tissue differentiation.The CEA in our study confirmed dependence on the degree of differentiation, but did not respond in the case of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma.The level of CA 19-9 was higher only in the groups of moderate and low-grade adenocarcinomas. Consideration of all confounding factors will allow us to better understand the biology of cancer biomarkers and improve their interpretation and indications for use.

About the Authors

L. L. Akhmaltdinova
Karaganda medical university

V. B. Sirota
Karaganda medical university

D. B. Babenko
Karaganda medical university

V. A. Zhumaliyeva
Karaganda medical university

M. .. Maratkyzy
Karaganda medical university

O. V. Avdienko
Karaganda medical university

A. S. Ibraeva
Karaganda medical university

A. A. Turmukhmabetova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Akhmaltdinova L.L., Sirota V.B., Babenko D.B., Zhumaliyeva V.A., Maratkyzy M..., Avdienko O.V., Ibraeva A.S., Turmukhmabetova A.A. SIGNIFICANCE OF SERUM ONCOMARKERS IN COLORECTAL ADENOCARCINOMAS OF VARYING DEGREES OF DIFFERENTIATION. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(2):67-71. (In Russ.)

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