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Preterm birth is the most common direct cause of death in newborns. The aim of the study was to analyze the survival of premature babies in the Karaganda region over a 10-year period of transition of the criteria for live birth by WHO. The analysis shows the available reserves, which can contribute to further improvement of the main indicators characterizing the quality of medical services in the childhood and obstetric system The article presents a clinical case of successful nursing of a newborn with extremely low body weight.

About the Authors

S. T. Kizatova
Karaganda medical university

N. I. Dyusembayeva
Public health department of Karaganda region

N. A. Yerimbetova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Kizatova S.T., Dyusembayeva N.I., Yerimbetova N.A. ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF PREMATURITY IN THE KARAGANDA REGION. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(2):34-40. (In Russ.)

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